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Mishu's Graphics - Absolutely free unique cursors, desktop wallpaper and website graphics.


Change Your Desktop Wallpaper

If you're bored with the wallpaper that came pre-installed on your Vista computer, you can change it to a different one or a picture of your family, whatever suits you.

Just follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on an empty area of your desktop and click on "Personalize".
  2. When the "Control Panel - Personalization" window pops up, click on the second option "Desktop Background" in the larger right-hand pane.
  3. A new window pops where you click on a background that's more to your liking or you can click on the "Browse" button to find a picture from your own camera or one that you've downloaded.
  4. Click on the picture you like and it will change your background instantly.
  5. Click "OK" and your're done!

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Customize your desktop background wallpaper