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Change the location of your email message store for safekeeping

If you hate the thought of losing all your important email messages, you can simply change their location on a different hard drive or partition.  That way, if anything happens to your operating system such as a virus or for some reason you are forced to re-install the operating system, your email will always be safe.  Just follow the steps below to change their location.

  1. Open "Windows Mail"
  2. Navigate to "Tools"
  3. Click on "Options"
  4. Click on the "Advanced" tab (last one on the right)
  5. Click on "Maintenance..." (towards the bottom)
  6. Click on "Store Folder"
  7. Click on "Change"
  8. When the "Browse For Folder" dialogue box pops up, navigate to the drive or partition you want for your new location
  9. Click on "Make New Folder" and type a new name for your folder in the highlighted box.
  10. Click "OK"
  11. Click "OK" again, and you're done!

If you`ve been forced to reinstall your operating system, all you have to do to to recover those email messages again is to take the same steps as above with one difference:

  1. Open Windows Mail
  2. Navigate to "Tools"
  3. Click on "Options"
  4. Click on the "Advanced" tab (last tab on the right)
  5. Click on "Maintenance..." (towards the bottom)
  6. Click on "Store Folder"
  7. Click on "Change"
  8. When the "Browse For Folder" dialogue box pops up, navigate to the drive or partition where your email is stored, single-click on it to highlight it and click "OK"
  9. Click "OK" again and a dialogue box like the one below pops up

Message Store Dialogue Box

*Be sure to click "YES"

At this point another dialogue box pops up like this:

Recover Message Store Dialogue Box 2

Click "Ok" for this one

Click "OK" for the next two and you're done!  Your old messages will be there waiting for you the next time you open Windows Mail.


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Change the location of your email messages